This Week With Huzoor
19 Jan 24
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a mulaqat with a delegation of Khuddam from Connecticut, USA.
In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor (aba) referenced the disunity of the Muslim Ummah and urged for continued prayers for the situation in Palestine.
0:00 - Intro.
0:32 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Khuddam from Connecticut, USA.
1:16 - Conversation with Asim Ahmad Sahib.
1:44 - Conversation with Mubasil Chaudhry Sahib.
2:14 - Can those who have had organ transplants use homeopathic medicines?
3:50 - Is there a limit to our time in Paradise?
4:52 - Why do Christians have a longing for the Roman Empire which persecuted them, but curse the Muslims who openly accepted them?
6:28 - Huzoor (aba) blesses the rings of the delegation of Khuddam.
6:43 - What can we all take away from our visit to you Huzoor?
7:27 - A Khadim expresses his love for Huzoor (aba).
8:36 - Huzoor (aba) enquires regarding the delegations stay in the UK.
9:38 - What role should an Ahmadi play in the upcoming Pakistani elections?
29:56 - Conversation with recent convert to Ahmadiyyat.
30:50 - Friday Sermon Clip 19 January 2024 - Disunity of the Muslim Ummah.
More from This Week With Huzoor
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